The Alliance will strive to:
1. Work with academic and career guidance counselors, school boards, administrators, parents, students, and teachers to provide an accurate picture of the construction and maintenance industry relating to competitive benefits and wages.
2. Promote career pathways for students versus job.
3. Work with local schools to build strong advisory committees.
4. Develop marketing campaign(s) to improve image.
5. Develop political contracts and strategies to change the image of the industry.
The alliance will strive to:
1. Educate families with children in grades 1-12 about career in maintenance and construction.
2. Provide recruitment strategies to schools, training programs, and contractors.
A. Sponsor summer construction camps for middle school and high school students.
B. Develop recruiting kits to be used in schools.
C. Assist with and promote construction and maintenance career fair in middle and high schools.
The Alliance will strive to:
1. Identify and provide craft work certification opportunities.
2. Provide a registration process to ensure that all maintenance and construction students are aware of portable industry certification credentials, and assist if needed.
3. Develop and promote apprenticeships.
4. Provide a clearinghouse for existing training.
The Alliance will strive to:
1. Promote careers versus jobs and promote from within the company.
2. Encourage and offer continuing education and professional development within companies.
3. Establish linked Web sites for training, scholarships, and employment opportunities.
4. Target specific special groups (e.g., discharged military, dislocated workers, and unskilled adult population) for training and employment.
5. Partner local construction companies with local career and technology teachers and students to form internships and strong advisory committees.
6. Create a central clearinghouse for recruitment.
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